author’s note: This piece was originally published few days before Christmas of 1993 on the Editorial Page of the Wall Street Journal as an Editorial (NOT as a Letter to the Editor). For the Ebenezer Scrouges out there, the incidents…
Category: General
The Broken Chained Consumer Price Index
There is a sound that does not exist Philosophers torture themseves (and us) with silly questions such as, “if a tree falls in a remote forest and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?”…
Subversive, Disloyal Americans Oppose US Military Budget
It is being suggested (I won’t even bother to say exactly where, so as to dignify them) that those who are calling for reduction in this country’s military budget are disloyal and maybe even anti-American. Maybe it is time to hear from…
Immigration Reform needs more than new policies.
A recent PBS interview with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano discussed immigration policy reform and enforcement. What follows below is the text of a response to her, posted on the PBS web site, just below the interview. I hope Ms. Napolitano reads this posting…
John McAfee? Been There, Done That
I’ve been following the sad story of 67-year-old John McAfee, who is, at this moment, in a Guatemalan jail. A story posted on the net a few hours ago says, “Software guru John McAfee wants to return to US.” I feel for…
So What?
I like to surf the online versions of newspapers around the world. The opinions and ideas I encounter offer interesting alternatives to those domestically produced. This morning I came across an OpEd piece in The Khaleej Times. It enjoys respect, in its…
You Might Need a Friend Someday
The previous post left you with a mystery. What was the connection between illegal spying by the Chicago Police Department during the 1968 Democratic National Convention and my walking away from an extortion attempt backed by the threat of 10 years in…
An Obvious Mistake
Today, an editorial in the NY Times said: Even in a crowd of rising food and commodity costs, corn stands out, its price having doubled in less than a year to a record $7.87 per bushel in early June. This…
Our Motto(s)
No pretentious web site is without a motto. Actually, we have many – and continue to adopt new ones – or as is the case, at times, we are adopted by one. Most of time, we simply steal borrow someone…
I am a Failure
Yes, I am happy that I am a failure. I’ll tell you why, but first you need to know the highlights, the major failures that connect a long, series of minor failures that are the leitmotif of my 77 years…