Category: Religion

Charlie Hebdo is us

  The sign, displayed by a Parisian, translates as “We all are Charlie.” From England’s “Guardian” here’s one of the more intelligent editorials published in response to yesterday’s cowardly assault on freedom of expression.​ My own solution would be more radical.…

Five Days Without Television

I recently read an online complaint by a parent waiting for the cable guy to show up and fix a broken connection. “I scheduled the day off of work as I have three kids and 5 days without TV makes for…

Taking Government out of Christmas

A recent article in a small town newspaper began: For years, atheists have tried to take Jesus Christ out of Christmas. That first sentence is another one of those inflammatory phrases that is careful worded  to distort the truth. Speaking…

“Dr.” Terry Jones is an Asshole

If you find his name familiar but can’t quite recall why . . . he’s the Florida-based, right wing, crazy, fundamentalist Christian of the snake-handling variety who threatened to burn a Koran in protest of the plans for a Mosque…

Gone Is The Rapture

Back in the day . . . a phrase dear to us lovers of music from the time when a song was defined as a combination of harmonious melody and lyrical poetry . . . there was a song that…

It will NOT end tomorrow

I predict, without fear of error, the world will not end tomorrow by any divine act of destruction. I do not need some crackpot’s reading of an apocryphal  text written by superstitious, or maybe even, malicious fabulists. How is it…

Have You Been Saved?

The following quoted item appeared in my local newspaper earlier today. In this week’s (our religious columnist) explores how students at (world-famous local engineering institution) are engineering their own faith community. For example, members of the (school) Christian Fellowship would…