Category: General

I Think Hell Just Froze Over

Given the heat wave (100f here in Jersey City yesterday), this is a good time for hell to cool down. If you have been hanging around here the past 6 months or so, you probably are aware of my rant(s)…

Every Man Looks Fantastic In A Tux

Last weekend, the wife and I attended a formal affair at Lincoln Center. I borrowed a tux from a friend – or at least from someone who has been a friend until now. Before I get into that, let me…

Ding Dong, the “Which” is Dead

Somebody, please call the Grammar Police and report there has been a murder. Actually, multiple murders. Hundreds of thousands of victims are lying all over the Internet. The victim is that valuable, essential, basic, explicit word known as “which.” The perp, who hides…

Have a Good Night of Sleep

Money? Sex? Power? Only saints or idiots have not wanted them at one time or another. Yet, I doubt that any one of us has not, at least once, said, “I’d give anything for a good night’s sleep.” I was…

I was drafted 60 years ago today

My first day in the US Army began April 06, 1953, when I showed up at the induction center in Newark, NJ. I was drafted. I’d already been poked, prodded, examined and weighed a few weeks before during a physical…

Farewell, Roger Ebert

I am sad. I had a few privileged moments in Chicago, with Roger Ebert during the mid to late 80s. As a film fan, I had grown fascinated with – and somewhat knowledgeable of – Japanese films. When Kirosawa’s “Ran,”…

Five Days Without Television

I recently read an online complaint by a parent waiting for the cable guy to show up and fix a broken connection. “I scheduled the day off of work as I have three kids and 5 days without TV makes for…

Taking Government out of Christmas

A recent article in a small town newspaper began: For years, atheists have tried to take Jesus Christ out of Christmas. That first sentence is another one of those inflammatory phrases that is careful worded  to distort the truth. Speaking…