Our Motto(s)

No pretentious web site is without a motto.

Actually, we have many – and continue to adopt new ones – or as is the case, at times, we are adopted by one.  Most of time, we simply steal borrow someone else’s. When we have no choice, we may even admit the source.

“If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.”
Katherine Hepburn

res ipsa loquitur
It’s legal expression that might be liberally interpreted as, “it’s your fault.”

Also, might be liberally interpreted as, “it’s not my fault.”

Also, might be liberally interpreted as, “who cares whose fault it is?”
(as we said, it is, after all, a LEGAL expression)

History is an argument without an end.
Pieter Geyl

Never confuse movement with action
Earnest Hemingway

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