Ding Dong, the Which is Dead

I have a few questions . . .

  • what train goes to New York?
  • what door goes to the street?
  • what name did they choose for the baby?
  • what model Ford is that?

OK, OK,OK . . . that’s enough.  I’ll confess. Just stop the pain. Sheesh – and they say waterboarding is torture.  About the time we got to the fourth one of those I was shivering like a small dog passing a large peachpit.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, you are probably part of the problem.

For those who care, this may help:

WHICH – is used to choose from a limited set of choices.

Which shoes should I wear?
Which way do you want your eggs?
Which of these is yours?

WHAT – is used to choose when there are a unknown number of choices

What do you call this?
What kind of government do you want?
What is making that noise?


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