Category: Language

Ding Dong, the “Which” is Dead

Somebody, please call the Grammar Police and report there has been a murder. Actually, multiple murders. Hundreds of thousands of victims are lying all over the Internet. The victim is that valuable, essential, basic, explicit word known as “which.” The perp, who hides…

Five Days Without Television

I recently read an online complaint by a parent waiting for the cable guy to show up and fix a broken connection. “I scheduled the day off of work as I have three kids and 5 days without TV makes for…

Taking Government out of Christmas

A recent article in a small town newspaper began: For years, atheists have tried to take Jesus Christ out of Christmas. That first sentence is another one of those inflammatory phrases that is careful worded  to distort the truth. Speaking…

“Dr.” Terry Jones is an Asshole

If you find his name familiar but can’t quite recall why . . . he’s the Florida-based, right wing, crazy, fundamentalist Christian of the snake-handling variety who threatened to burn a Koran in protest of the plans for a Mosque…

Forgetting Day

Today’s calendar says it’s Memorial Day but reality intrudes. In all my 78 years I have never heard an elected public official in this country say such evil and cruel things as Ohio’s Governor John Kasich (R) did earlier this…

Ding Dong, the Which is Dead

I have a few questions . . . what train goes to New York? what door goes to the street? what name did they choose for the baby? what model Ford is that? OK, OK,OK . . . that’s enough. …