Earlier today, Harley-Davidson, the iconic maker of motorcycles, announced their first electrically powered motorcycle – and simultaneously boasted of their intention to destroy what little peace and quiet there is in this country. “The sound is a distinct part of…
Well, now that THAT is cleared up.
NSA spokeswoman Marci Green Miller who reportedly said, “There are numerous avenues that Mr. Snowden could have used to raise other concerns or whistleblower allegations. We have searched for additional indications of outreach from him in those areas and to…
Come With Us
It used to be said of Republican President Gerald Ford, he was too dumb to chew gum and cross a room at the same time. His legacy lives on in the right wing inability to see the logical consequences of…
There is no inflation
Anyone who claims there should be a substantial increase in COLA (Cost of Living Allowance) for Social Security recipients on the grounds there is now a surge in prices clearly does not understand how the system works. It is supposed…
I Think Hell Just Froze Over
Given the heat wave (100f here in Jersey City yesterday), this is a good time for hell to cool down. If you have been hanging around here the past 6 months or so, you probably are aware of my rant(s)…
What Was It Like Growing Up Without a Father?
Someone on Quoro.com (an excellent site for great posts) asked that question. Here’s the response I posted. When I was 8 years old, I woke up one day to discover my father was not home. I learned only that he…