Author: Tom Paine

Who Are Ya Gonna Believe?

I think it was back in the 70s when I first saw a comedy from which a certain scene has stuck with me. It is relevant to today’s top economic news. A man is in a hotel in bed with his mistress. His…

Thank You Donald Trump

You are a gift to every Late Show comedian in the world. As the best gifts are those that keep on giving – your presence in this race to the 2016 White House guarantees that every monologist – should he sense audience is…

Romney’s Latest Delusion Explained

Today’s headline on a New York Times article deserves considerdation. “Romney’s Consideration of Candidacy Is Closely Tied to His Faith, Allies Say.” Considering that religious faith is delusional, his consideration of candidacy is well explained.

Charlie Hebdo is us

  The sign, displayed by a Parisian, translates as “We all are Charlie.” From England’s “Guardian” here’s one of the more intelligent editorials published in response to yesterday’s cowardly assault on freedom of expression.​ My own solution would be more radical.…